Sitges Tourism

Guided tour of the Sant Bartomeu and Santa Tecla Parish Church

Last visit of the season, Saturday, 5th October 2019

From Romanesque to Noucentisme, a journey through the history of Catalan art.


The itinerary starts outside the church -with explanations regarding the history of the Baluard (Bastion), la Fragata, the first knights, the vegueries (the feudal administrative territorial jurisdictions of the Principality of Catalonia) and the building’s transformations - and continues inside with a stroll through the sarcophagi, the credenzas and the collection of baroque altarpieces.

The tour presents one of the country’s most important collections of sacred art, thanks to the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque images that are part of the collection belonging to Dr. Jesús Pérez-Rosales.


The itinerary also includes going up to the bell tower, which offers spectacular views of Sitges from the highest point of la Punta (The Point).


Parish Church Tour Calendar

Saturday, September 7th - 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, October 5th - 5:30 p.m. 



5 euros (general admission)

2.50 euros (pensioners and university students)

Free (children 12 and under)



Saturday 5th October at 5:30 p.m.

Sant Bartomeu Church

938940364 (extensió 1)

  • parroquiasantbartomeu
  • campanario
  • parroquiasantbartomeu2


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