Sitges Tourism

The literary news from Sitget for Sant Jordi 2023

One of the strong points of the Sant Jordi fair will be the signatures of local authors. This year, the fair will bring together 42 stands of books and roses on Passeig de la Ribera. In addition, various cultural proposals are organized, including a manga workshop from 5 to 7 p.m.

On April 21, at 6 p.m. in the Town Hall Square, there will be the Pregó de Sant Jordi 2023, by Núria Amigó. This event will be one of the proposals prior to Sant Jordi's Day 2023, which will be celebrated this Sunday in Sitges with a wide program of cultural and leisure activities and the traditional book and rose fair on Paseo de la Ribera from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.


The day will also feature local authors who will be signing their latest books at the institutional stand throughout the day. This year the authors who will sign books will be Loreto Almirall and Lourdes Pañella; Núria Camps and Florència Coll; Beli Artigas Coll. Sebastià Giménez Mirabent and Pep Pascual Peris; Josep Maria Tubau Gallinat, Romilda Avelar, Adrià Enríquez Álvaro; Eugenia Kléber; Alexis González Páez; Núria Cantí and Roser Valls; Tim Parfitt; Saskia Lange; David Garriga and Ilham Majure.


Coinciding with the day, various workshops and cultural activities will take place. At 12 p.m., the gardens of El Retiro will host the concert of the Sitges Canta! choir, the first concert of the year. In the afternoon, in the Passeig de la Ribera (at the height of the first street of May), a manga workshop will be held by Tanuki Comics, from 5 to 7 p.m. Those interested will be able to learn for two hours the basic techniques for drawing comic book characters to introduce themselves to this genre.


As is traditional to close the Day, a Sardanes ballad will be held with Cobla Maricel, at 8 p.m. in Cap de la Vila, organized by Amics de la Sardana.




Book and rose fair
Hours: From 10 - 20:30 h
Place: Paseo de la Ribera
Book and rose fair with book signings by Sitget authors at the institutional stand, as well as workshops and various cultural activities.


- Paper Roses Workshop of the Agrupació Popular
Hour: 11 a.m
Place: Paseo de la Ribera


Sitges concert Sing!
Hour: 12 p.m
Place: Jardins del Retiro

The Sitges Choir Sings! has chosen Sant Jordi's day to offer its first concert of the year in which they celebrate their 10th Anniversary.


Hour: 8 p.m
Place: Plaça del Cap de la Vila
Ballad of Sardanes with Cobla Maricel.



By order at the fair from the statue of El Greco

  • Marc Macià Martí (llibres)
  • Maria Flores Flores (Rosa)
  • El Quiosc de l’Alba (quiosc)
  • Brisa Flower Boutique
  • Tanuki Comics
  • Mil Estels
  • Romina Delmastro Giaccio
  • Kizuna Arte Floral
  • Jan and friends
  • Josefa Flores Ruiz
  • La Botique de la premsa (quiosc)
  • Yelu Andreina Díaz Rojas
  • Francisco Llorens Rams- Lluís Chacón Aliaga
  • Centro Profesional de Jardinería y Paisajismo
  • Eskisit Catering
  • Atencio Santamaria Ricaurte Bolivar (floristeria)
  • Agronava del Garraf (floristeria)
  • Floristeria Isabel
  • Casino Prado Suburense
  • Rotary Club Sitges
  • Grup d’Estudis Sitgetans
  • Associació Cultural Ateneu Popular de Sitges
  • Assemblea Nacional Catalana- Secció Sitges
  • Associació Cultural Galesa-Catalana
  • Fundació Ave Maria
  • Òmnium Cultural
  • Addia
  • Junta Local de Sitges de l’Associació Espanyola contra el càncer
  • Plataforma per la llengua- L’Esbarzer
  • Foment i ajuda al desenvolupament econòmic i social ( (F.A.D.E.S)
  • Agrupació de Balls Populars de Sitges
  • Fundación Privada Vida Útil
  • Rugby Club Sitges
  • Caritas Sitges
  • Associació Sitges Solidari
  • Colla Jove de Castellers de Sitges
  • Associació Defensa dels Animals en Perill
  • Associació AMIS
  • Creu Roja Sitges
  • Escola Agnès de Sitges
  • Escola Maria Ossó
  • Escola Miquel Utrillo
  • Autores i autors -SJ 2023


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