Sitges Tourism

Sitgestiu - Outdoor Cinema

The open-air fantastic cinema session presents new genre shorts, along with the screening of The Picasso Youth, as part of the activities to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the artist's death.
This event is held in collaboration with the Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia.


Fantastic short films:

Mermaid Killer (15 min) Israel Gonzalez & Joel Codina ESP
Psicario (15 min) Dani Padrón ESP
Ad Inferos (9 min) Ignacio Malagón ESP
Zombie Meteor (Animation) (14 min) Alfonso Fulgencio & José Luis Farias ESP

Screening of the film:

El joven Picasso (V.O.S.)
Year 2019
Director: Phil Grabsky

Too long ignored, it's time to look at Picasso's early years; the upbringing and apprenticeship that led to his extraordinary achievements. Three cities play a key role: Malaga, Barcelona and Paris. The young Picasso visits each and explores their influence on Picasso, focusing on specific works of art from these early years. The film thus explains how this young artist acquired his craft. Looking closely at two key periods: the so-called blue and pink periods.
Price: 5 €.



22 h

Calm Corner

93 894 03 64

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