Sitges Tourism

Sitges fills up on Carnival Sunday to see the Rua de la Disbauxa

Sitges has experienced the first of the big Carnival events with the participation of 2,000 people and 39 floats.

The Rua de la Disbauxa was the main feature of Carnival Sunday in Sitges, with the first appearance of the 39 floats of the Societat Recreativa El Retiro, the Casino Prado Suburense and the Grup dels Independients, as well as the Carnestoltes and the Carnival Queen. Around 2,000 people took part in the Disbauxa, which passed through streets full of people.


In fact, a large part of the public who attended the Rua de la Disbauxa had already been able to see the children's Rúa at 12 noon. As planned, the music in the area of the swings on the Passeig livened up the hours between the midday and afternoon Rua.


The route of the rues went on normally, but the Ball (dance) planned in the Hort de Can Falç to close the day on Sunday had to be cancelled. Before opening the venue, it was detected that the strong wind had damaged the pergola of the Hort de Can Falç. Given the instability of the iron structure, the City Council decided to cancel the dance for safety reasons. The City Council has now removed the pergola from the area and the dance can finally be held this Tuesday at l'Hort de Can Falç, after the Rúa del Exterminio.


This Monday, the Sitges Carnival programme of events takes a day off. However, El Prado is hosting a children's snack for the children's groups of this entity, where there will be entertainment and the children's Queen will perform.


On Tuesday, at 12 noon, the children's parade can be seen again, and at 9 pm, the Rua de l'Extermini (Extermination parade).


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